My coworkers are completely awesome and we have some really great conversations, especially in the mornings when we are just getting in and trying to get in the right mind frame to be productive. Somehow, I became the topic of the conversation and without my input, I was advised that I am the authority on none other than lip gloss. Sounds 100% shallow, yes.....but, I suppose it may be the truth. #dontjudgeme

At any given time I have at least 5 to 10 different lip glosses in my purse. I like everything from sheer moisturizers to heavily pigmented lip gloss. After some thought I realized why that is my accessory of choice. I am seriously balling on a budget, so I have adapted to finding easy ways to spruce up my looks without a lot of cost and to top it all off, I am not an everyday makeup wearer. I am not a makeup artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I know how to make myself go from blah to BAM! if need be. This makes lip gloss my go to, it can totally change the look or feel of an outfit. I am in love with nail polishes as well for this same reason.

Anywho, I intend on using my blog to rave about the many lip glosses I try and maybe make a not so rave mention of ones I don't care for. I will probably throw in a few other products or items that I am in love with because I am a die hard product junkie. Hope you all enjoy!